
White Cube, Green Maze: New Art Landscapes

著者 Raymund Ryan
発行所 University of California Press
発行年 2012

Spanning four continents and six countries, this book introduces ”new art landscapes” that fuse architecture, the reuse of found structures, environmentalism, and artistic experimentation. Through words and pictures, readers explore six institutions - Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle, USA; Raketenstation Hombroich, near Neuss, Germany; Benesse Art Site in Naoshima, Japan; Inhotim, near Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Jardin Botanico, Culiacan, Mexico; and Grand Traiano Art Complex, Grottaferrata, Italy - dedicated to the experience of culture and nature. Integrating vegetation and non-linear sequences of spaces, the sites offer multiple experiences enticing the visitor to circulate between and within buildings. Iwan Baan, one of today's most influential architectural photographers, thoughtfully documents each project. In addition to his stunning images, the sites are depicted with architects' plans and sketches, historical photographs, and maquettes and sketches by key installation artists. Raymund Ryan's insightful essay discusses important historical precedents and considers the defining characteristics of ”new art landscapes” through descriptions of each of the projects. Brian O'Doherty offers an artist's critical perspective, while Marc Treib situates the projects in the history of landscape design Architects under consideration include such established masters as Tadao Ando and Alvaro Siza Vieira as well as emerging practices such as Tatiana Bilbao and Johnston Marklee.

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